High school is all about finding ourselves. Some of us are still searching long after we’ve tossed our graduation cap in the air. But others, like Booksmart’s Molly and Amy, have known who they are since preschool. They’re the smart girls who are going to Ivy League schools and will one day rule the world. But Molly gets a splash of reality—courtesy of a condom water balloon—that the class clowns and party animals of her high school also got into excellent colleges. Everything she and Amy thought they knew about the masses and themselves is turned upside down.

Had they attended Harry Potter’s Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, things would have been simple and comforting. Students are assigned to a house—Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Gryffindor—based on their personalities and attributes. No surprises, no second-guessing. So if Molly, Amy, and the rest of their graduating class were to pile into Principal Brown’s Lyft, Hogwarts bound, which houses would they find themselves in? Here are the Booksmart Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses.

Molly - Ravenclaw

Humorously enough, there’s a scene in which Molly discusses her Hogwarts house of choice. She pontificates that she is a Slytherin-Ravenclaw hybrid. Duly noted, Molly, but Hogwarts houses don’t work that way.

Molly does possess some Slytherin characteristics—and looks dynamite in green—but she’s more defined by her intellectualism than ruthless ambition. She’s the valedictorian who has a fake college I.D. so she can have access to a 24-hour library. It doesn’t get more Ravenclaw than that. Furthermore, as prestigious a house as Slytherin is, Molly’s heart is just too big. Upon being confronted about your control freak tendencies, most Slytherins would be proud. Molly, on the other hand, realizes that she doesn’t want to lose her best friend and apologizes. Her valedictorian speech is full of Ravenclaw heart.

Amy - Hufflepuff

If anyone suffers from Sidekick Syndrome, it’s a Hufflepuff. Amy is every bit as smart as Molly, but she’s seen as forever living in her friend’s shadow. The whole plan for one last wild hurrah is entirely Molly’s. Amy rides shotgun strictly out of Hufflepuff loyalty.

As sweet and personable as she is, Hufflepuff Amy is petrified of rejection. She has to be prodded by Molly to go talk to Ryan, her skater-girl crush. Amy also harbors a secret that she’s deferring college for a year to do volunteer work in Africa. She’s afraid of Molly’s inevitable negative reaction. But throughout the insane, banana-pants night, Amy is able to find her voice. She even gets herself arrested so other partygoers won’t get busted by the cops. She takes one for the team like a true Hufflepuff.

Nick - Gryffindor

For student council president Molly, high school is a stop-gap on her way to bigger and better things. But Nick wants to milk high school for all the fun it’s worth. He became school vice president specifically for control over dances. That commitment to partying is the mark of a Gryffindor. On the last day of school, the hallways look like an explosion in a party supply store and everybody knows that Nick is the one with his hand on the detonator.

Gryffindors tend to shirk responsibilities. For example, Nick would much rather try to catch potato chips in his mouth than go over final numbers for the student budget. So you wouldn’t want Nick, or any Gryffindor, doing your taxes. But when it comes to one last rager before graduation, Nick is your man. He’s a gregarious merrymaker, whose personal mission is that everybody have a good time. He’s surprised and honored when Molly arrives at his party. Nick is the biggest party animal of all—a Gryffindor lion.

Ryan - Ravenclaw

Ryan may not be pulling all-nighters in the library like Molly, but she’s just as much a Ravenclaw. Not many teens can keep their own company and be at peace with it. But Ryan just cruises around on her skateboard, completely comfortable in her own skin. It’s Ryan’s quiet confidence that enthralls the shy, insecure Amy.

Is Ryan a total loner? Hardly. Rather than a traditional Ravenclaw eagle, Ryan is a social hummingbird. She flits around from group to group. At Nick’s party, one minute Ryan is in the karaoke room, the next she’s jumping in the pool. If she were to be seen reading a Quibbler upside down, nobody would be surprised.

Gigi - Hufflepuff

When you picture a typical Hufflepuff, a glitter bomb like Gigi doesn’t usually spring to mind. Popping up at random parties like a jackrabbit and diving off a yacht just for fun seem like Gryffindor antics. But most Gryffindors do these things for attention and the adrenaline rush. Gigi does them because… why not?

It may sound like Gigi is a bedazzled version of Ravenclaw Ryan, but Gigi defines herself by her friendship to Jared. She’s the only one to willingly attend his party. Later it’s revealed that she threatened to shiv someone whom she thought was laughing at him. Loyalty to that level, combined with a tireless commitment to looking fabulous at all times, makes Gigi the flashiest Hufflepuff ever.

Jared - Gryffindor

Fitting in is the basis for almost every teenager’s hierarchy of needs. For Gryffindors, that need is magnified ten-fold. Despite graduation being one day away, Jared still pulls out all the stops to get people to like him, even though he may never see them again. He throws a party on a yacht with swag bags containing iPads.

The hard truth is that nobody really cares about Jared and most find him kind of annoying—even the teachers. And Jared’s not dumb. He knows this to be true. But it’s his determined Gryffindor spirit that keeps him going. Ironically, it’s when Jared simmers down and is able to act like a real person that he’s able to find a genuine connection with Molly. But quiet or loud, to Jared, life is a Gryffindor adventure full of airplanes and musicals.

Hope - Slytherin

Hope sees trying hard as a weakness… and Slytherins hate weakness. As a natural beauty, Hope prides herself on her effortlessness. Some Slytherins like to plot and scheme, but Hope doesn’t seem to bother. She’s content to lean back and fire snarky comments from her desk. The only time Hope shows any real passion for anything is when she vocalizes her distaste for meek people.

She’s particularly harsh on Amy, whom she catches crying in the washroom at a party. But even cool-as-ice Hope is taken aback when Amy kisses her. This awakens a warmth in Hope nobody would have thought possible. It looks like Amy found the antidote for Hope’s Slytherin venom.

Annabelle - Gryffindor

On the surface, Annabelle is Gryffindor-level brazen about her vixen status. In fact, most people don’t even know her name because everybody calls her Triple A due to her reputation for providing “roadside assistance” to her male classmates. Annabelle goes along with this slut-shaming nickname, even though it hurts her. As loud and proud as Gryffindors are, they’re sensitive souls with big hearts. Molly finds this out when Annabelle offers her a ride after the party. Turns out, in addition to “roadside assistance”, Annabelle is happy to provide… actual roadside assistance. During their ride, Annabelle doesn’t show bravado, but real Gryffindor courage when she confesses that her nickname hurts. Molly is as sorry as she is surprised. Whether it’s yelling insults in a bathroom or having a heart-to-heart, Gryffindors always keep us on our toes.

George - Slytherin

George is the director of the drama club, but really fancies himself director of everything. So what’s more fitting for a theater-loving Slytherin than throwing a murder mystery party the night before graduation? George is in his element, giving his guests notes on their characters. Later, at another party, George commandeers the karaoke room. As a Slytherin, the world revolves him. When Molly dares to make a comment that would suggest otherwise, George slithers in with a cold comeback, mocking Molly’s outfit. George is likely counting down the day until Shakespeare in the Park(ing Lot) is over and he can get away from these Muggle-borns.

Alan - Gryffindor

All that world’s a stage, and Gryffindors are merely (lead) players. Alan is more than happy to let George be in charge of the drama club; Alan just wants to be the star. And he’s not afraid to tell you—loudly. At George’s murder mystery party, Alan dresses up in a Daisy Gatsby-inspired dress and pitches a hysterical fit on the stairs—in character, of course. Of all the houses, Gryffindors are the ones most likely to overact within an inch of their lives. Because what is life without a little theater? No matter the party or the occasion, Alan always takes center stage… and he doesn’t have to audition.