The newest trailer for the upcoming drama Bombshell just dropped mid-October, and we’re more than ready for these powerful and determined women to hit the big screen. Not only do we love these actresses, including Nicole Kidman, Margot Robbie, and Charlize Theron, but they’ll be telling the stories of women who have been clawing their way to survive in a misogynistic industry. We know you’re about to burst with excitement, so we made a list to tie you over until it’s released. Here are 10 things we learned from the newly released trailer for this upcoming biography drama. And yes, we hear those Oscar rumor whispers.

This Story Isn’t Fake News

We’re sorry for the bad joke, but it definitely is worth noting that this film is based on real, factual events. While Margot Robbie’s character, Kayla, is actually fictionalized, Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson are real women with real stories. Each of these women had a position at Fox News, and they separately made allegations against the head of the organization, Roger Ailes. If you haven’t heard these names before, or maybe you thought they sounded familiar, it’s because they should, and you should know them. We’ll scream your names from the rooftops, ladies.

It’s Written by Charles Randolph

Charles Randolph is the brilliant man behind The Big Short, which actually also had the lovely Margot Robbie as one of the cast members. The Big Short is another biography drama that received an Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, and another four nominations.

This second trailer gave us a full screen for this writer’s credit, and if you’re a movie buff, you probably got pretty excited. And if you hadn’t heard of him before, now you know you should definitely expect great things from this film.

The Stories of Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson Intertwine

Perhaps you’ve heard about Megyn Kelly, or maybe you’ve heard about Gretchen Carlson. However, these two ladies are actually a lot more intertwined than we might have originally thought. This trailer definitely shows how important these two women were to the allegations against Roger Ailes, and how their stories are much more powerful when told together. Gretchen is actually said to have paved the way for the #metoo movement in 2016 after launching her complaint. Megyn was a Fox News anchor during this time, and her story was paramount to Gretchen’s allegation.

This Film Includes the Successful Take-Down of Roger Ailes

While this movie is about these powerful women, this trailer tells us that Roger Ailes is definitely being taken down. We know there’s a huge battle pending, and the trailer predicts we’re going to get to see Ailes’s resignation in 2016. However, we know that this movie digs deep at the misogynistic nature of the media industry, and we also hope that this film tackles the lack of repercussions faced by Ailes.

The Movie Hits Hard at Media Biases

The trailer begins with Kate McKinnon’s character, Jess Carr, leading Margot Robbie’s Kayla through the Fox News office. She tells her to adopt the mentality of an Irish street cop: “people are lazy morons, minorities are criminals, and sex is sick but interesting…and that’s a Fox story”.

This film, right off the bat, proves it’s showing no mercy to the misogynistic and exclusivity of the news media. The trailer also shows the aftermath of Roger’s allegation from Gretchen, in which the entire office is forced to wear “Team Roger” t-shirts.

Donald Trump’s Allegations are Also Part of the Plot

This trailer boldly and amazingly includes Megyn Kelly’s involvement with Donald Trump. In fact, we hear the real quote spoken from Donald Trump himself about how Megyn was probably “angry menstruating”. This is also how we know this crew, cast, and project DEFINITELY isn’t messing around.

There Are Many, Many Other Women and Their Stories

After Nicole Kidman’s character, Gretchen, reads off a list of things Roger Ailes said to her, her lawyer asks her if other women will come forward. This trailer sets the playing field for many, many women, and their battle against Roger Ailes and Fox News.

While Gretchen and Megyn are at the center of the story, these allegations do not stop with these two women. We’re ready to hear from them all, and we’re so pleased that this movie appears to include every woman with a story.

The Cast is Unreal

In case you needed more of a reason to watch this film, besides Academy Award winners Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman, and Academy Award nominee Margot Robbie, this cast is absolutely stacked. John Lithgow takes the lead role as Roger Ailes, the Fox News chairman. However, the other powerful women in this film include Jennifer Morrison, Kate McKinnon, Allison Janney, Alice Eve, and many, many more brilliant ladies. This movie wants attention, and boy they’re getting it.

This Film is Dropping the Bomb, Loudly

The title for this film is powerful and absolutely brilliant. We probably don’t have to remind you again, but this film is holding no secrets and is keeping no silence. This story has been muffled and hidden, and this film is about to blow it up. These women deserve to have their stories told, and what better way than to use Hollywood’s huge platform and a big screen. This will make waves, and we hope that this bomb will explode with a whole lot of noise. Oh yeah, we’re also loving the soundtrack for this trailer. No mercy, ladies.

It Hits Theaters on December 20th, 2019

In case you literally can’t wait another second for this film, this trailer also lets us know that you can finally hit the theaters on December 20th, 2019. We know that seems so far away, but we promise you can wait it out. Good things come to those who wait. What a better way to celebrate the holidays than to watch Bombshell? Happy holidays, from these strong and badass women.