Bob’s Burgers distinguishes itself from fellow adult animation by its style, though it has some familiar tropes. It takes an everyday family and gives them more relatable issues, like financial problems. And the comedy is truly unique, with characters that stammer and generally speak like actual people.

There’s also “camera” tricks and a consistent subversion of expectations. Even the troublemaker Louise is often revealed to be kind of a softie. She frequently has more empathy than even she expects. Because of that dichotomy, she’s easily the best character on the show. She’s allowed to be mischievous, precocious, and compassionate all at once. So, here’s ten of Louise’s funniest lines throughout the show.

“I Will See You In Hell!”

This is a commonly referenced quote of Louise’s, but with good reason. Kristen Schaal has a naturally comedic, tickling voice. Fortunately, she also has plenty of undeniable talent. So, when she summons an attitude, it’s priceless. Her shouting, in any context, is simply hilarious, but mainly because it’s used in just the right doses.

In the episode “Bed and Breakfast,” Linda brings her excessive enthusiasm to transforming the Belcher home into exactly that. But then Teddy hears about it and ultimately ends up in Louise’s room. Louise’s territorial reaction is probably fairly relatable to just about anyone, let alone a kid. The selected quote is the culmination of a lot of escalating, quiet anger.

“If There’s One Thing I Know, It’s That Sex Sells”

“Lindapendent Woman” isn’t an episode with a particularly original plot. In fact, it’s actually a very clichéd story wherein Bob fails to appreciate Linda enough. So, she tries to do her own thing, making some extra money on the side. But both of them end up realizing that they need each other. The show doesn’t exactly make the most of this trope, either.

However, the closing joke of the episode is fantastic. Louise gets another opportunity to blend her precociousness with naivité. The punchline is that they have to go “find some," since she knows that sex sells. She’s always proven to be great with business, but it’s always charming to hear Louise talk like a kid.

“Let’s Get Stabby, Flabby!”

If there’s one strength Louise definitely has, it’s insulting people. But, when it’s her own family, it’s more of a friendly ribbing. Which is literal in this case, as she pokes Bob during this season six quote. In “Wag the Hog,” a biker outlaw needs Bob’s help to recover a stolen motorcycle. Ideally, this would help put his life back on track, helping him get to work.

So, Louise’s fascination with crime gets plenty of indulgence in this story. She actually guesses what the outlaw said on the other line of Bob’s phone conversation. Louise’s quote begins with some quiet anticipation, and, when it’s confirmed, her sheer joy about stabbing someone is terrific.

“I Have A Raging Staph Infection”

In “Synchronized Swimming,” the kids agree on their hatred for physical education. As a result, they lie about attending a synchronized swimming class instead. But, when Linda finds out, they end up doing it anyway. It’s a lot of effort for a lie, and there’s plenty of laughs in the episode, but the funniest moment is the iconic line we’ve selected above.

It’s from a flashback, explaining one of the reasons why Louise hates P.E. so much. She has to remove her iconic hat. Trying to avoid its removal, she threatens that she has a staph infection and that everyone will end up “playing dodgeball in the hospital.” It’s a creative and precocious retort, allowing Louise to flaunt everything about her personality that we love.

“You Can Really Feel The Insecurity”

“Fort Night” is easily one of the best episodes of the entire series, and it’s endlessly quotable. The title itself is one of many playful puns this show is known for. But this episode features Millie, voiced by Molly Shannon. She’s an obsessive girl, established early on as an unhinged psychotic. That made her perfect for this Halloween special.

When the kids drop by their alley fort, Louise gives Darryl a quick tour. She ribs her family yet again, by pointing out that Tina’s room is distinguishable by her insecurities. It’s tough to choose that line, among so many golden one-liners like “you’re my favorite kind of rat.” But talking about Tina’s insecurity is too ruthlessly observant and honest to ignore.

“Is It Hard To Rip?”

In “The Kids Run Away,” Louise really gets to prove how much of a kid she still is no matter how much she talks and acts like an adult. Louise’s interactions with adults are some of the best material she ever has, including with her parents, but the divide between childhood and wisdom beyond her years is striking in this season four classic.

For example, she has a “go-bag” prepared to run away, but she spends the entire episode failing to confront her fear of the dentist. It’s adorable, and yet her snappy comments against the dentist are sharp and witty. She greets him by asking why his license hasn’t been ripped up yet. Then, she lays out the rules—if he scrapes a gum, she’ll slap his face. Her no-nonsense attitude is a great contrast to her fear.

“Cut Me Open, I’m Infected!”

“Boyz 4 Now” is one of the more popular episodes of the show, parodying the effect of boy bands. That’s been a social phenomenon for a long time, and Louise doesn’t really understand why—until now. Her aversion to growing up is cute and hilarious. The little kid in her goes haywire when she realizes she’s developing her first crush. The epiphany happens the only way it possibly could with a character like Louise. She panics and shouts an inventive joke as a self-defense mechanism. She rejects that the crush could actually be her own feelings, so she cries out that she’s somehow been infected. She mocks the entire boy band experience right up until it gets her, too. And she clearly wants it removed. This classic episode also culminates with the most rewarding slap on television.

“First You Gotta Make Some Money For Mommy”

“Art Crawl” possibly has one of the most disturbing A-plots this show’s ever had. Linda’s delicate sister paints animal anuses and insists that the results are hung up in the restaurant. It’s funny to a point, but also largely disconcerting. The B-plot, however, involves Louise’s business management. She knows exactly how to take advantage of the Art Crawl shoppers. She manipulates helpless kids into working for her, like Ollie and Andy, and treats them ruthlessly

Louise’s babying voice is just as funny as her ferocious orders. In fact, putting Louise in control of anything has always provided a lot of laughs.

“Bland, Boring Jessica”

Generally speaking, the majority of Bob’s Burgers’ best work was in the earlier episodes. But “Slumber Party” is a superb piece of writing, allowing Louise to achieve maximum mischief. She decides to sabotage a forced slumber party by manipulating the other girls’ weaknesses.

The ensuing hijinks are incredible. But when Louise first confronts her mom about the coming ordeal, her description of the guests is truly priceless. Each girl has some pretty unusual quirks, but the best is saved for last. Jessica is simply boring. Louise explains that if Jessica “were a spice, she’d be flour.” She instantly follows up with an equally funny zinger, saying “if she were a book, she’d be two books.” The latter is more indicative of a young kid. And consequently, in the end, she ironically strikes up a friendship with Jessica.

“You Think You Know How To Kiss?”

Louise has absolutely no idea how to kiss romantically, at least not until Rudy. But in “Sheesh! Cab, Bob?,” Louise declares herself Tina’s “kissing coordinator.”

She proceeds to go on a hilarious rant while slapping Tina repeatedly. The balance of controlled chaos in Louise’s voice is absolute perfection, ranging between menacing whispers and funny outbursts. The entire time, she also flaunts her innocence. She says Tina could “get herself killed, or worse.” She actually mentions herpes but has no idea what it is. It’s an aside in the episode that is one of the most rewarding, definitive moments Louise can have.

She takes control, gives tough love, shows her naive side, and cares enough to try to help Tina. It’s everything that makes Louise who she is, wrapped up in a single rant.