While walking privileged pathway Monday at the 74th Early night Emmy Grants, Odenkirk told ET’s Kevin Frazier and Nichelle Turner that his co-stars – – Rhea Seehorn and Patrick Fabian – – were remaining impeccably situated with perfect timing when he encountered a cardiovascular disappointment on the game plan of the hit AMC show in New Mexico back in July 2021.


“The clarification I’m here is because my castmates were standing not excessively far off and they sort of grabbed me before I hit the ground,” Odenkirk said. “I kind of went down on a knee. What’s more, subsequently Rhea ran over and got my head and Patrick got my hand. They were hollering, ‘Stay with us,’ and yelling to get someone. Anyway by then people who showed up were perfect at CPR. Hence, if you haven’t discovered a good method for enhancing your CPR, get it going.”

Odenkirk communicated getting into better shape moreover expected a critical part in persevering through the respiratory disappointment.

“Truth be told one explanation that I get through that coronary episode was in light of the fact that I was solid,” he figured out. “Additionally, my heart had sort of bigger veins. Likewise, the CPR kept it alive because of the ability to take in oxygen.”

When asked concerning whether he has one more perspective, Odenkirk said that is undeniable following having encountered a brush with death.

“For sure, I do [feel like I have a second lease on life]. I don’t have even the remotest clue how you can go through that experience and not sort of look at your life … I’ll tell you, I didn’t have a valid justification to have trust second, which I wished I had. I feel like I got fairly ripped off.”

Odenkirk, who is wanting to get his absolute first afternoon Emmy in the Remarkable Lead Entertainer in a Show Series class, edified ET earlier this year concerning how specialists truly expected to use a motorized defibrillator to address his pulse, and it took three complete shocks to take care of business. Odenkirk in like manner surrendered that he has no genuine memory of the cardiovascular disappointment itself.

— Mr. Bob Odenkirk (@mrbobodenkirk) September 13, 2022

“You can’t fight the temptation to think of it as a good part,” Odenkirk added of the prosperity caution. “Additionally, notwithstanding the way that I don’t recall its insight, all the reaction that I got from individuals overall and my sidekicks, everything affected me. It really will and it continues to.”