Johnathan Jamall Porter, known as Blueface, is an eminent American rapper who rose to noticeable quality in 2018.

People hurried to see his odd approach to rapping in his 2018 music video Respect My Crippin and began to examine everything over the web.

In a little while, the rapper ended up with an enormous gathering in the wake of transforming into a web sensation.

From there on out, he has sorted out some way to win the hearts of various with his music.

Anyway, it isn’t simply his music that people are excited about.

He had the choice to intensify the lockdown time span as he conveyed his show Blue Girls Club, and the fans treasured it.

One of the young women featured in the program was Chrisean Rock, and the fans are contemplating her life nuances.

— ChriseanRock (@ChriseanMalone) June 3, 2022

Blueface Girlfriend With Missing Tooth Blueface’s soul mate with a missing tooth is Chrisean Rock.

They are probably together at this moment, and the lady even tattoed the rapper’s face on her neck to respect the affiliation.

Rock was at that point with the music experts as his specialists and used to work for the man.

The new revealings comprehend that the pair might have gotten together as a caring couple.

Regardless of these disclosures, extra nuances on the lady are yet to be examined.

Chrisean Rock On Instagram You can find Blueface’s significant other, Chrisean Rock, on Instagram under the client handle @chriseanxblueface.

Her record isn’t yet checked and has somewhat more than 1370 allies at the hour of creating.

Also, the lady is apparently unique as she constantly revives her Instagram stories and has made in excess of 160 posts.

Blueface And Chrisean Rock Age Blueface and his soul mate, Chrisean Rock’s age contrast, are three years.

As referred to in his Wikipedia bio page, the American rapper is 25 years old at the continuous time.

Likewise, his darling is around the age of 22, as Blueface as of late revealed.

These nuances show that the age opening between the couple is something like 3 years.