Why now after being out for a little more than 11 years has Blizzard decided to stop reporting on its numbers?

I think Blizzard is becoming a little insecure about World of Warcraft. For the longest time, WoW has been the MMORPG to beat. Now they are left with less than half of their peak subscribers.

There have been many games to come out that were predicted to end WoWs reign and then flopped. Now with games like Fallout 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 about to be released their subscriber rate could drop. Even with their new expansion pack Legion coming out there is only so many expansions and content a game can release before it’s just old news.

There is also a chance that Blizzard wants to encourage players to come play. Reporting their dropping numbers could lead to players quitting or just not bothering to try out the game at all. Then again they could just be tired of people asking them what their numbers are.

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Blizzard wants you to stop talking about WoW s sub numbers  But why now    World of Warcraft - 40