Forum user Fipps said this in the complaint.

Fipps also had this to say.

Overwatch Game Director Jeff Kaplan later replied in the thread saying that the pose would be removed.

This action now has players up in arms, as many are upset that Blizzard elected to do this based on the one thread rather than opening it up for community discussion.

Things like this have happened in the past but usually the developer will reach out to the community to get an idea of how the majority feels about whatever is in question. This removal of the pose after a single complaint with little communication with the community has caused a huge uproar that is bringing the masses to bear in the forums.

Photo courtesy Elvine.

A petition has also been started on Reddit in hopes of saving the over the shoulder victory pose.

Blizzard has done a great job at creating strong female characters but this one pose brings into question whether they are trying to boost sales by using sexuality in the character to cater to the male player base.