Is this a good idea on Blizzards part? Well, let’s look at some pros and cons.
One of the pros is that many gamers who were fans of older games will be excited to hear they are getting an upgrade. Few companies would take the time and go back to get them working on our modern computers. Then a pro for Blizzard themselves is that they will attract not only an old audience back, but a new audience as well. This means more cash in their pockets.
Now let’s talk about some cons. Sometimes older games aren’t as fun as we remember. Like when you find your childhood candy and it just doesn’t taste the same. We sometimes play games to relive our childhoods, only to find out the game is trash. It didn’t really have a lot of personality to it or the controls were weird. The fact we even played the game as a kid really boggles our mind. Childhood=ruined.
There is also a chance Blizzard could want to rewrite a storyline or try to make the controls handle differently. If they do that, then it will be like taking an old movie and remaking it. It usually works out horribly and it shouldn’t happen.
Either way you look at it, at least they are creating more jobs. It’s also really cool to see a game company care about their old games.
What do you think? Is this a good move for Blizzard? Or will it hurt them more than help them? Sound off in the comments!