The news post, written by the fictional Times of Numbani, details the events surrounding a recent break-in at a high-security prison. Reaper, current Overwatch hero and agent of the shadowy Talon organization in the game’s lore, reportedly entered the facility and managed to free the one and only Akande Ogundimu, AKA Doomfist.

Though there is no official confirmation on when (or even if) Doomfist will be added to the game, it is worth noting that Overwatch’s most recently-added hero, Orisa, was officially unveiled about two weeks after she was teased in a similar fictional news story.

Overwatch fans have been anticipating the inclusion of Doomfist into the game since even before the game’s launch. The bearer of the powerful Doomfist gauntlet was referenced as having been defeated by Winston in the game’s original reveal trailer, as well as the gauntlet itself being present on the Numbani map until a patch replaced it with a broken, empty container. His status as a living and active threat in the world of Overwatch was later confirmed in the video reveal of Orisa’s origin story.

If released next, Doomfist would be the fourth post-launch hero added to the Overwatch roster, following in the footsteps of Ana, Sombra, and Orisa. Though his in-game role and play style are unconfirmed, it is speculated that Doomfist would likely fall into the offense or tank category due to the nature of his gauntlet and having been a nemesis of Winston, another tank and close-combat fighter.

For now, just be sure to check back with GameSkinny for more Overwatch news.