Ever since its first season premiered in 2011, the British anthology series Black Mirror has bceome something of a countercultural phenomenon. Centering around several central premises that are consistently dark and satirical in both narrative tone and thematic content, the original TV show created by Charlie Brooker has offered fans of speculative fiction what is perhaps the best example of said genre since the inception of The Twilight Zone in the 1960s.

Following the airing of the show’s first two seasons on Channel 4 in the UK, the show has found a home with American audiences by way of Netflix - the studio that subsequently secured the rights to produce the forthcoming seasons 3 and 4 -  and has continued to be watched by viewers since. On that note, the latest trailer for season 3 of Black Mirror has just been released online.

In the footage feature above, Netflix teases potential viewers with plenty of lurid glimpses of all the drama soon to unfold in season 3 proper, which will consist of six brand new episodes in the highly original series of individually contained social satires. Starring the likes of Bryce Dallas Howard (Jurassic World) and featuring episodes directed by the likes of lead talents such as Dan Trachtenberg (10 Cloverfield Lane), the new series of Black Mirror appears primed to please fans of the show in a big way.

Seeing new faces and talent behind and in front of the camera take a swing at telling their own stories under the Black Mirror franchise umbrella is sure to result in a compelling and exciting new batch of episodes for those who are already in love with the show. Furthermore, including familiar faces like Howard’s and known talents like Trachtenberg should attract first time viewers as well when the series premieres on Netflix later this month.

Series creator Charlie Brooker essentially crafted one of the most unnerving original series of the 2010s with Black Mirror - a legacy that doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon as the show makes its way from Channel 4 in the UK to Netflix around the world. Until season 3 finally reaches audiences in a few weeks time, fans and newcomers alike can prepare by watching the initial batch of episodes and holiday special - in preparation for all of the new stories soon to come in a manner not all that dissimilar to what’s come before.

Black Mirror season 3 will premiere on Netflix on October 21, 2016.

Source: Netflix