In this BitLife health guide tutorial, we will show you how to treat all the illnesses. If a game belongs to the real-life simulation genre, then it has to incorporate each and every aspect of it. And BitLife seems to have effectively done so. Whether you like it or not, but the probability of your character catching a disease and getting ill is a very much possibility. When you get a disease, your health begins to deteriorate continuously. And since you are in charge of your player’s health, you have to make sure that he or she remains safe and healthy throughout.

In case they end up catching a disease, you will have to look for his well-being and make sure they end up getting the appropriate treatment. There are quite a few diseases that a player could suffer from in BitLife. These include Viral/bacterial illness, Tingly illnesses/STDs, Emotional illness, Physical Ailments, Deadly diseases, and some Odd illnesses/ailments as well. You could also check if your player has any ailments or not, by tapping on his emoji. With that said, the major question stands on how to treat all these illnesses. Well, this BitLife health guide is going to answer this in detail. Follow along.

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BitLife Health Guide – How to Treat All Illnesses

As and when you contract any disease, your first course of action will be to go and visit a doctor. However, not all disease requires a visit to the doctor, some could easily be cured at home. Illness such as a common cold or food poisoning is temporary in nature and in most cases is cured by itself within a few days. If you go to the doctor, they will for sure cure you from this disease. But even if you don’t go, the disease will automatically vanish within a year, at max.

However, some diseases like laryngitis require a little bit of more precautions, and it is better you see a doctor within a second thought. But keep this in mind. Not always a single doctor could cure all the illnesses in BitLife. Sometimes, you might have to look for an alternative doctor as well. Even both of them aren’t able to cure you, then wait for a year and then again give them a visit. They should be able to heal you this time.

On the other hand, there are some diseases like schizophrenia that might prove to be incurable. If both the doctors fail to cure you even after a year has passed, then you might have to look for some alternative ways. These include going to the gym and the library, and performing regular meditations. Similarly, spending quality time with your parents, spouse, children and loved ones might prove to be quite a healing touch for your character.

Then there are issues related to alcohol or drugs, which could have been easily avoided in the first place. But if your character has become addicted to it, then you shouldn’t waste any more time and directly take him to the rehab. Once he is out of rehab, make sure to keep a safe distance from these substances.

In some cases, even if you don’t have any disease, your health and happiness might see a continuous drop. This usually happens when you are mentally affected by an incident like your loved ones getting killed, etc. In those cases, doctors won’t be of any help. Going to the gym, meditations, and spending some time with your loved ones might prove to be benefitial.

Different Types of Doctors

Next up in our BitLife health guide, let’s talk about doctors. There are medical doctors, alternative doctors, psychiatrists, and the witch doctor. Until you cross the age of 18, you could only visit the medical doctor, that too with your parents. Once you become an adult, you could then try out for the other three types of doctors.

The alternative doctors don’t always cure you of disease but will help in increasing your health and happiness stats. Witch doctors can also increase your stats, but they come with some associated risks as well. There is always a chance of things going south and your stats could actually drop considerably.

Then there is also your school nurse who might treat simple and minor illness, but they might not always cure you. Their treatment however is free, and this feature has been added after the School update. Then there is an Office update that raised the minimum age to go to the doctor to 4, from 0. With the Mind and Body update, the character might experience some symptoms. You could keep a track of which using the Concern bar in the user profile (see below image).

So this was all from this BitLife Health Guide which outlined the tips to cure and treat all the illnesses. Always remember that precaution is indeed better than cure. But if your character ends up with a disease, then this guide will come in handy. Rounding off, here are some iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Trick that you should check out as well.


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