Big Brother’s Isabella Wang wants to fix her relationship with Kemi Fakunle, saying she regrets being so reactive and wants to have a conversation with her former castmate. Now that Isabella has been evicted, she wants to prove that all of the drama that happened on the show is all water under the bridge now.

Isabella had a rocky stay in the Big Brother house, forming and breaking friendships and alliances almost as quickly as she made them. She had very public feuds with both Kemi and Nicole. Even though she was also one of the original members of the dominant Gr8ful alliance, she ended up on the outs, even after proving her loyalty to her alliance. Unbeknownst to Isabella, there were racist remarks being made about her by Jack Matthews, the Jason Momoa look-a-like. Racism seemed to be a disturbing and recurring theme this season, as Ovi spoke candidly about bullying and racism in the house. Regardless of the issues that she faced with others in the house, she also appeared to find love as she had a short-lived “showmance” with Nick Maccarone. However, after being evicted, she has since opened up about where her relationship stands with ex-housemate Kemi.

Isabella spoke with former housemate, JC Mounduix, on his show AfterBuzz TV to talk about her journey on Big Brother 21, her recent eviction, and her current relationship with Kemi, saying, “With regards to Kemi, I really truly did really like her.” Isabella spoke about how both she and Kemi had attended the University of Maryland and had an unspoken alliance, saying it was just “one of many alliances” that she made. In regard to the fight, there were bound to be some disagreements due to being thrown into a new environment with complete strangers with clashing beliefs, ideas, and personalities. She said, “We definitely got in a disagreement. I know when I get hot-headed, whether you’re hangry, or just angry, or you feel like you have to defend yourself.”

However, she did take responsibility for her actions and anger toward Kemi, saying, “I was very reactive. I definitely regret that.” As for an apology to Kemi for her outbursts, she said that now, since the season is over, she would like to reach out to Kemi and “discuss it like mature people.” When asked by JC if there is any bad blood still remaining between the two houseguests, she replied, “I have nothing but love for her and all the other houseguest actually that are in my season, just because we don’t have a chance to defend ourselves while we’re on there.” She also spoke about how the audience has a lot of misconceptions about her intentions on Big Brother, ending the segment by giving Kemi a shoutout: “It’s all love. We can definitely have a conversation after.”

Although Isabella had a rough stay at the Big Brother house, she has definitely learned some things about communication and about people after dealing with so many different types of houseguests from varying backgrounds. It seems that these women - who aren’t just Big Brother alumni, but college alumni - have enough in common to rebuild their friendship. As Kemi was just evicted, they now have an opportunity to meet outside of the Big Brother landscape, away from cameras.

Next: Big Brother: Audrey Middleton Says CBS Exploited Her Being Transgender for Viewers

Big Brother airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 9pm EST and Sundays at 8pm EST on CBS.

Source: AfterBuzz TV